The simple art of feeling joy
Wow, that was a whirlwind! Is it just me, or does Christmas and NY seem like a lifetime ago? I hope you spoiled yourself with lots of bubbly, plenty of pudding and, of course, some special dog&boy scarves (Santa has great taste, I hear). But, if you’re anything like me, you’re probably right back into ‘busy’ mode.
Between parties, dinners and preparing for the new season launch of dog&boy scarves, I know I’ve been feeling the pinch – which is exactly why I’m writing this post.
Like every busy woman, I sometimes need to remind myself to slow down and smell the roses – and I want to remind you to do the same. There’s a famous quote by Cesare Pavese that says ‘We do not remember days, we remember moments’.
What brings you joy?
If you reflect on the times you’ve felt true joy over the years, I bet it’s the little things you find most memorable. For me, it’s sharing a cup of tea with Mum at the kitchen table, before we lost her to brain cancer. Or seeing my son play peacefully, without any clue I’m watching him.
The day in the dog park when I dreamt up the idea for dog&boy was pretty special. And, after 2 years in business, no milestone compares to the moment I sold my very first scarf.
Take a moment to think of the times when you felt most joyful. When you were so blissfully happy, your face hurt from smiling. Like that feeling of childlike freedom the last time you rode a bike. Or driving with the windows down and your favourite song on full blast. Bear hugs, belly laughs, travel, nature. There are so many simple ways to feel bliss.
Whatever it is that makes you happy, promise to do more of it this year. Find time. Make time. Nothing matters more.
Capture your memories, but don’t miss them
Something I’ve noticed lately is how obsessed we are with photos and phones. It’s not a new phenomenon – and I love Instagram as much as the next girl – but I can’t help feeling we’re missing the moments.
Have you ever been to a concert where, instead of soaking up the atmosphere and watching the performer on stage, everyone’s recording on their phones? When you look around, all you see are iPhones in the air, with people peering through their screens. Perhaps you’ve been one of these people? I know I’ve caught myself out a few times.
Photos are great to capture a place, a face, or a beautiful scarf (yes, OK I’m obsessed), but they’ll never capture the true spirit of a moment. The only way to do that is to live in it – and you can’t do that through a camera screen.
Challenge yourself, this year, to be truly present for special moments. Of course, you can still take photos, but don’t live life through a lens. If you’re up for an even bigger challenge, try recording your memories in different ways – like journaling or scrapbooking. You’ll be amazed at how much detail you can take in the moment when you know you’ll be documenting it later.
image: The Grace Files
A new New Year’s resolution
While everyone’s talking resolutions – do more, be more, have more – how about resolving to bring more joy into your life this year? Instead of setting huge milestones, just enjoy one day at a time. Be present, slow down, and give yourself permission to enjoy life’s precious moments. There are so many simple pleasures every day if you just take time to notice them.
Sonya xx
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