Words and pictures
I’ve always loved stories. Hearing them, telling them. Stories give comfort, uplift the spirits, and provide a sense of calm.
A good story will make you feel and connect to others. To take action, to hope, or simply just dream.
Our stories tell others who we are, what we believe in and where we’re going.
Stories give us the opportunity to re-experience a time or moment that made us feel good, or loved, or courageous. A moment when we may feel all is lost, then there is a spark of light to help us through.
Not more stuff
I am generally an emotional buyer when it comes to my wardrobe. I buy something because of the way it makes me feel, or because it reminds me of something good.
When I started dog&boy, I didn’t want to just make ‘stuff’. What we created had to have intention, meaning and purpose.
Whilst there are practicalities when we design our scarf and fashion collections, we design with the core purpose, to make you feel good. We want your dog&boy design to be that go-to piece when you want to make an impression or to lift your spirits.
It’s not a lot different when we tell these sorts of stories through our designs each season. The designs and prints in our collections are, generally, based on personal experiences or things we’ve enjoyed, moments we’ve loved and connected to.
These stories and moments are individual; no one is never the same as the other. And so it is with our designs, each and every one.
We don’t do sameness in 5 different colours and call that different. We don’t design because it’s trendy or fashionable or current. We design from the heart.
We loved creating our newest collection this season. The colours, the textures, the images, and all the stories behind them.
My favourite of the season, which has also been our best seller, is Collide.
‘Imagination comes from the heart’. This quote is by my son, Nicky. He said it to me when I first told him I was starting dog&boy and it has stuck with me ever since.
It features a plant of which I have many in the house, a rubber tree. Whilst the name isn’t overly sophisticated, the plant is. I’ve always loved the contrast of the trees leaves – one side a deep green, almost black, but the reverse a stunning contrast of deep blush. So, like this clash of colour, Collide tells the story of where imagination meets passion and the energy to make something happen.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m not a fan of animal print. However, when Beth showed me the design concept for Dare, I truly loved it. The chartreuse green highlighted with bright pink and splash of orange. It’s bright and bold, and pairs beautifully with navy.
‘Break the rules’ is the subtle writing in the design. I’ve never considered myself a rule breaker as such; rules are there for a purpose, but it doesn’t mean I won’t question its relevance.
If we don’t ask, we can’t learn and understand. Always be curious.
We designed this collection well before any of the current situation happened. Little did we know how relevant some of our design stories would be – be daring, stay curious, acceptance always, show gratitude and love more.
Our designs are as individual as you are and we hope that something so simple and a beautiful scarf can brighten your day and lighten your journey.
Be sure to let us know what you think.
Sonya. X
If you liked this article, please share and spread the dog&boy joy far and wide. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook or Pinterest for more life and style inspiration.
Hi…lovely designs. Congratulations.
I looked for something in DARE but couldn’t see anything?
Hello sweet lady ! Now I am connecting all the dots I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your dear mum . Hugs and thoughts are with you and your family . It is a terrible disease that does not discriminate. My you are truely in inspiration and I am so very proud of you . To think of us as those young girls so many many years ago now catching that school bus every week day to our high school – feeling that we had the whole world on our shoulders . But in fact we had no worries in the world xx love to you Sonya xx Nell xx