Nothing ever stays the same
Now in the last month of our winter season and with the last 18 months being such a challenging time for all of us, I’ve been thinking a lot about the impact of change.
We’ve all had to ride the ebb and flow of constant change, take a leap out of our comfort zones, think outside the box, and quickly adapt to living life and doing business differently.
As a business, we’ve looked closely at how we can continue to grow and operate efficiently amidst these increasing waves of uncertainty, so we’ve recently made some changes.
In-house, we’ve adapted and changed processes, particularly our packaging – no more cello bags! And with travel and trade shows currently off the cards, we’ve changed the way we do business with our valued retailers and suppliers. We’ve built a wonderful rapport with them over the (almost) 6 years of operation; it’s important we continue to nurture these working relationships.
One thing we haven’t changed though, is the core essence of dog&boy -connecting with others. Sharing and telling stories through thoughtful design; making you, our valued customers feel good – is our passion.
Everyday connections inspire and shape the stories we share.
Staying connected is never more important than now. Connections are what provide us with a sense of purpose; a sense of belonging, and the courage and motivation to tackle unpredictable setbacks and obstacles of change.
Where we’re from, what we do, or how we live our life really doesn’t matter. If we’re faced with stressful situations and we’re muddling through tough times, we tend to reach out and look for deeper, more meaningful connections – to people and to things – to share the highs and lows, and to find inspiration in the world around us, however limited.
The connections we’ve established here at dog&boy mean the world to me. I feel especially privileged that so many of our loyal customers share their personal stories with us. Their trust and candour is both humbling and inspiring, and I’m so often reminded that we should never take life for granted.
‘The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion’ ~ Paulo Coelho
When I see all the beautiful blooms and smell the heady scent of magnolias in the air in these late winter months, I’m reminded of my beautiful mum Margot.
She loved flowers and her sketchbooks were filled with botanical drawings, all of which evoked the beauty she saw in the simple things in life.
Many of Mum’s sketches have been reflected in our designs over the years and, this season, one I hold close to my heart is CAMO. With the design brief being Magnolias and Camouflage, it was inspired by my Mum’s favourite flower, the magnolia.
It’s what I associate most with Mum – her inner strength, structure and beauty, and love of small joys, and the impact she had on others.
Mum had a special knack for uplifting the mood of everyone around her. With her warm smile and kindness of heart, she could change any bad day into a good one.
The day of mum's funeral in 2015, I was overwhelmed by the capacity of people at the service who had come to pay their respects; every seat was taken, and every doorway filled.
People I had never met, but who knew Mum and spoke about the the impact she had made on their life by her simple, kind gestures and generosity.
Mum was never the loudest or most noticeable person in the room; she simply just did what needed to be done with quiet. But when she was gone, the emptiness was deafening and you couldn't help but notice.
These simple things give us hope and a new perspective
It was during my time at home in our 4 month lockdown that I noticed a camellia in the garden. Spectacular in its bloom, it hit me that life goes on; things evolve and grow, despite the stillness of life in lockdown.
I took a photo of that camellia and it became the inspiration for another one of our exquisite scarf designs. ESPOIR - a French word meaning hope – the desire, anticipation and expectation that all will be well.
For dog&boy, it was a salute to the way forward and the prospect of the good days to come.
Whilst we don’t always see it at the time, change provides us with a new perspective and an opportunity take stock, reflect on our journey and re-align ourselves with the world around us – the people that matter most to us, and the things that truly inspire us to move forward. Change allows us to write a new story!
Have you had time to reflect through these recent times? Have you made new connections or re-connected with someone or something special through the simple joys of life?
We love sharing our everyday stories with you and would love to hear about what inspires you.
Let us know and stay safe,
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