The most gorgeous fashion range... that never sold

The most gorgeous fashion range... that never sold

The year(s) of loungewear and slippers

Let's tell you a little story...

dog&boy THE LABEL had all the makings of a gorgeous print brand. Our intention was to extend our signature designs onto clothing, opening dog&boy to new audiences who may not love scarves as much as we do.

Full of potential, dog&boy THE LABEL launched in February 2020... unfortunately though, the universe had other ideas. 

Two years of lockdowns, no-one was looking for maxi dresses and silk tops no matter how stunning - loungewear and slippers became the outfit de jour and our beloved clothing pieces now wait patiently for loving homes.

The process

It started with ideas floating back and forth that eventually refined to a concept we were excited about - to continue the story of our scarf designs, reimagined into stunning fashion pieces. ⁠

Admittedly, we were a little naive about the process of making clothes. What we thought would be a manageable addition to our workload turned into an all-consuming project. From pattern design to size charts, button choices to cuff lengths, there were many more steps involved with dog&boy THE LABEL than initially anticipated.

Worth it...? Of course! We had dreamed of creating a fashion range for years and, despite the steep learning curve, enjoyed the challenge and seeing our visions become tangible. 

What we do best

We now joke (somewhat painfully) about our fashion collections being the most expensive exercise in learning who the dog&boy customer is and the true direction of the brand. We thought we wanted to be known for our prints, but in reality, it's all about scarves.

It's often the case in business that it's better to do one thing well than try to be too many things to too many people. We learnt this the hard way! In the aftermath of the world's longest lockdown(!), cost of living increasing, and demand for loungewear at an all-time high, we decided to go back to our roots and focus our creative energies on what know and love - scarves. 

Making women feel beautiful

Our purpose at dog&boy has always been to make women feel beautiful. Whether you’re dressing up for drinks, working at the office, or winding down for a family weekend, we believe you should feel special.

This was at the core of our gorgeous fashion range and, despite the less-desirable outcome, I still believe our pieces will make you feel beautiful every day. 

In stunning fabrics with meticulous attention to detail, we think it's about time Amabel, Charlotte, Lily & friends find a home. You can shop dog&boy THE LABEL at over 75% off and add some timeless prints to your wardrobe for a fraction of the price.

Looking forward

As always, thank you for being here and joining us on our journey. There's been lots of highs and some unfortunate lows, but our small and mighty team continue to love telling stories through design season after season. 

We're always talking about 'what's next' for dog&boy... this humble scarf brand has big ambitions! Thank you for your support as we grow and evolve. We're excited for the next chapter. 

Sonya. X


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