I’m that person who will always wear a scarf, no matter the weather.
They’re so much a part of me that if I forget to wear one, I feel lost all day. Now that I’m in the business of creating scarfs, I use the beauty of every day to create timeless pieces that are woven with stories.
I couldn’t tell you when my scarf obsession began. I just know that I’ve always loved them. It’s my way of being creative. Creativity is a funny word because we’re so used to think that to be creative, we’re limited to painting or writing – the traditional ‘creative’ endeavours. But for me, creativity is about expressing yourself, about finding ways to reflect who you are, and that’s exactly what wearing scarves is about. They bring a pop of colour or a splash of contrast, even creating a juxtaposition in texture. They help me stand out, stand tall, or stand strong.
When I used to work in the corporate world, I was surrounded by one-colour suits and one-colour shirts. I hated it. I didn’t want to fit that mould because to me, it was boring. I wanted to show my individuality, so I did it the way I always had: through scarves. I wore my scarves everywhere and in all weathers. Even on a hot day, where it could be at least 30 degrees, I’d still wear a scarf open around my neck or even tie it to my handbag. It feels odd to leave the house without one, the same way it feels odd to forget your smartphone. It’s a part of me.
When I set out on my journey to create dog&boy, I wanted to create scarves that could be loved forever, the same way I do.
It’s about being timeless
I create timeless scarves. The kind of scarves that you can wear in 5, 10, 15 years’ time and still look stylish. It’s not about the latest on the catwalk. It’s about investing in a piece that will always look good.
Speaking of timeless, because our scarves are lightweight because of their fine cotton/silk blend, it’s the kind of scarf that you can wear all the time. It’s warm enough to bundle around your neck and keep you warm in winter, but not so warm that you need to take it off completely when you step inside.
When I think about the design that goes on the scarf, the goal is always about feeling. How do you feel when you look at it? How do you feel when you wear it? Each one of my scarves has a story, focussed around the every day so that when you wear it, your everyday becomes that bit more magical.
It’s about being inspired
My inspiration comes from the everyday moments in life. It happens when I’m walking the dog at 6am in the morning and I’m struck by how carefree my dog is. It happens when I watch my son playing and see how much he’s enjoying himself. It happens when I’m by myself and nothing particularly out of the ordinary happens, but in that moment, I notice the small things. I feel how calm I am, how relaxed, and that I’m content. These are the moments that I translate into dog&boy’s scarves, and that’s my hope when you choose them: that you connect with the stories behind each of these scarves.
Even in my darkest of days, my scarves reflect the light that still pokes through. When my mother passed away from brain cancer, I found her sketchbooks. She was an avid sketcher and gardener, and now her designs live on in my scarves, not only as a reminder of my mother, but of her passion, her strength, and her beliefs.
It’s about love
I will always love scarves for the simple way that they change my world when I wear them. I hope you love them as much as I do.
Sonya X